~ PheiChi's crapsketchblog

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

sheng ri kuai le

Practicing watercolour~ I really felt like ripping it in half while I was painting it orz;; Gotta practice TAT

Birthday gift for K.! QAQ 1 week late..!!

sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2014


So I was rummaging through old sketchbooks and yeah XD I thought I'd share these with you :3~ I am, in reality, still crushing, but not drawing. haha

If I were ever together with my crush, I would...

...pull his face in many directions to my delight;

...sit on top of him with all my weight and make him be really annoyed with me;

...jump on him every time I saw him, just because I'd be able to (when he was here, I really had this urge LOL);

...pat his face as a demonstration of care (my dad does that a lot; it feels horrible at the same time it feels great! XD I love doing it to sis haha).

Ofc, besides whatever couples are allowed to do. Haha But with my current crush, I wouldn't be allowed to jump on him... nor do any of the above :c Maybe... not with anyone with a minimum of sense;;;

Sorry for the dark pictures! Too lazy to edit! XD

sábado, 5 de julho de 2014

nude compilation

HAHAHA my excuse is: "draw like an artist" u_u Nude has to be part of your portfolio pfft;

ooooldddd (it was this semester but it's been some time; it's at the beginning of my sketchbook) hmmm at first I was really embarassed of this but my sketchbook ended up becoming full of stuff like this, so I stoped caring LOL

I know something's really weird (I'm pretty sure it's the torso), but I can't really adjust it :/ I've tried doing it, but bah just gave up haha;;

It's really strange that when you're drawing on paper or whatever (this one is on an A4 size), you just don't see some things getting really big or really small, like his head o_o I know I tend to draw big heads, but I did such effort..!! >.<

Then there's this guy Kiyo-chan who came out abnormally skinny O_O I draw skinny people but cmon this is just too much;;; In my defense, it's because the paper is sorta transparent and the things on the back messed me up~

Btw, these two drawings were inspired on Calvin Klein's underwear ad featuring Oscar Emboaba~ These ads were scattered all over São Paulo until little time back; (btw, he's a soccer player for Brazil, nº11)

alsdkhgalkdsfjlaksdhf ///*blushes*

Then there's B★RS~ Tried to do perspective but I'll have to try to adjust it on PC =_=; Hips!

Aaand a picture of my latest watercolor piece! It was fun! :D I uploaded it over at dA~