~ PheiChi's crapsketchblog

sábado, 14 de julho de 2012


So some days ago I went to a bookstore with K. and V. aaaaaand we got to take a look at some imported manga! One of them was this one (shown above) and it's called 『十五少年漂流記』

The drawings are lovely! We both fell in love with it immediately (well, basically only K. and I were looking at it). I had seen it a time before and I couldn't help but be attracted to it again.

The mangaka is a popular artist on pixiv, しわすだ! I'm definitely gonna search him (her?) later.

The story seems to be about 15 gguys lost in a deserted island? By the drawings, I wouldn't deny it. That's actually the only reason I didn't buy it lol. Ok, no. First, I don't buy manga in Japanese because I can't read any of it (except for when they're R$3 lol), but secondly, I don't really... like this kind of stories. XD

Sadly, no English translations have been made yet; at least I haven't found any. I really hope I can find something I actually understand lol but the fact that it's almost a self-publication (something like this), I am thinking of buying it... Except it's too expensive. XD

Info found on http://yaplog.jp/21rcon/archive/136 and some more here http://www.comic-gene.com/comics/21

While I was looking for the manga, I ended up finding these attractive images. Aren't they pretty? Yess *-*

It's called 「ブラザーズコンフリクト」 and I still don't know what it is yet XD Ah, it seems like it's a game. Hmm... XD;

Info found here http://ameblo.jp/hime19990511/entry-11086311915.html

And lastly! I've seen the nendos oover at Mikatan's blog for a long time and suddenly I see the original art! IT'S SO PRETTY!

So I went and looked for it at MangaFox and found out it's actually a game! For PSP! I have a PSP. LOL

Maybe one day I'll play it. XD

So yeah! A image-full post that isn't about my art but about others' art. But I hope you've been excited like I have and maybe have fun? XD

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